Monday 9 November 2009


Music is a really importat feature, music can help provide the intensity of suspense which is a must have when producing a thriller film. An example of a thriller film using music to create this technique is Jaws; the suspense i.e. music is used before the shark is about to emerge or kill someone.

Another thriller film which uses music to capture the audience, is 'Valentine' where in is trailer it uses music as a climax, to capture the interest of the public to watch the movie and also to be entertained. The suspense music is found near the end; a high pitched sound, which is sterotypically used.

Lastly thriller films are sterotypically known to promote intense excitement and high level of anticipation and they do this through mainly music, as a character is approaching the climax of the story. Each of the clips use a fast tempo beat which could symbolise the racing heatbeat of the audience or the character in the dilema.

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